Cystic fibrosis

Consumer / Employer, MedCity Influencers

What I realized about hospitals as my brother lay dying of cystic fibrosis in the ICU

During my 36-year-old brother’s terminal stay in the ICU, I discovered a dire need for a more comprehensive approach to critical care. The more he relied on this large, corporate hospital system to keep him healthy and happy, the clearer it became that no matter how highly-ranked or well-funded it was, this hospital did not possess the flexibility, agility, or progressive thinking it needed to confront cases like his.

UNC spinout looking to one-up Kalydeco with one-size-fits-all cystic fibrosis therapy

Cystic fibrosis has become the poster child for precision medicine – most new therapies are carefully tailored to a CF patient’s genetic makeup. University of North Carolina spinout Spyryx Biosciences is proposing a one-size-fits-all approach to the disease: It’s developing a peptide-based therapy that, in theory, could be effective among all CF patients. This startup’s still pre-IND […]

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Venture philanthropy in healthcare is OK as long as black lives matter

In this brave new world of drug development, we’re seeing philanthropic foundations intertwine with industry to bring meds faster to market. But this new model could unfold into a popularity contest, pitting underfunded disorders against media darlings or wealthy folks’ diseases (read: Ice Bucket Challenge). Case in point: Fifteen years ago, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation invested some $150 million into a biotech […]